
Single crowns or Veneers
Crowns are made out of most suitable material for your situation.
Created by digital technology called CAD/CAM. Crowns are also made for implants. Veneers are made out layered ceramic or monolithic CAD/CAM blocks.

Fully anatomical reconstruction
Monolithic reconstruction, finished with Stain&Glaze technique to imitate nature characterization of your teeth.

Ceramic Layered reconstruction
Fully layered ceramic version. Layered with ceramic dust which proceeds to imitation of nature smile.
Made in form of veneers or single crowns.

Provisional bridges or crowns
It is made mostly in sitution such as complete reconstruction.
Provisional situation that patient can easily consult with us and enhance it in every spectrum of his needs. Shape, height or structure.

3D Model Printing
Mainly used to create splints for bruxismus or whitening
Priniting is also used for surgical guides